Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Passover

Alas, it is near the end of Passover, my favorite Jewish Holiday.  Wait, before we start there, Hello!  Thank you for coming here.  I am a graduate student who was raised in a Jewish home in the Washington D.C. area, but has become an atheist in the last year. 

However, I have felt along with others, that you simply do not stop being Jewish.  Jews are a common people with a common heritage.  And I choose to celebrate my heritage.  This year I held a sedar for my friends, most are not Jewish, to share the stories with them.  I needed a hagadah and found one to download (I hope to find this one and link it to you).  In the end, it was not all that great and did not cover what I felt was imporant and did not really fulfill what I wanted.  This week I was at Easter Vigil with my girlfriend (yes I date a Catholic, and no our differences are not usually an issue), and I thought that with all of history floating around and re-interpretations, that there should be an atheist's hagadah, or more a hagadah that shares the traditions of Passover in a positive way that a Jew would appreciate it, and non-jews and most importantly, Jewish Atheists would enjoy. 

I know I am not the only one that has these needs, nor do I thing I can do this on my own.

Starting now, I hope to complete a Hagadah that will celebrate the Passover Sedar in a new, positive way that also questions our modern traditions.  Reporting my findings here, I wish to see a dialogue that will help me deliver a good sedar to you in 2012.


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